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At Layer-de-la-Haye Primary School, we understand the importance of choosing the right school for your child.  Every school is unique in its character and curriculum and we are no different.  We warmly invite prospective parents and children to view our school during the working day: this will provide you with an insight of our practice and allow you to see what Layer pupils are offered in the classroom and beyond.  To arrange a visit, please contact Mrs McIntyre using admin@layer-de-la-haye.essex.sch.uk or by calling the school office on 01206 734249.

Entry to School: September 2024

Applications for children who celebrate their fifth birthday in between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 need to be made to Essex County Council online, usually between the periods of 8th November and 15th January.

The local authority co-ordinates all the admissions for children of starting school age.

Further information about this can be found here:

Essex School Admissions



Mid-Year Admissions

Mid-year admissions: an application for a school place in any year group  with the exception of children of starting school age in September.

All mid-year applications should be made directly to the school using the mid-year application form below:

For any application made into existing year groups, a place will only be offered if the number of pupils is below our admission number (30).

NB: Applications made during school holidays will not be responded to until the school re-opens.

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