What Impact Are Humans Having Across the World?
During our geography project in the spring term, we will be learning about the impact humans are having across the world. We will be geographers by exploring the Amazon Rainforest and mega cities around the world.
In English, we use Talk 4 Writing to learn a text map. Have a listen to a member of year 4 reading our persuasive letter.
We have been cats!
Year 4 were given to task to create a dance based on the movements of cats including cannon, unison and different levels.
Boogie Bounce
We had a great time on our own individual trampolines and learnt lots of moves on the trampolines to some famiiar songs.
PE days are Tuesday (squash) and Friday (invasion games) this half term.
PE kit : Blue 'Layer' PE top, navy blue shorts and trainers.
Please ensure children have layers on for outdoor PE days during the colder weather.
Reading: Children are expected to read at home every day, either with an adult or on their own. Please ensure children bring their reading journal and reading book to school every day.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Children should access Times Tables Rockstars at home every day for 10 minutes. Being able to recall times tables is essential to success in Mathematics and underpins many mathematical concepts. Children should know their times tables to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4.
Spellings: Spellings will be set as part of homework on a Wednesday and should be given in with homework on Monday.
Times Table Rockstars
Times Tables Rock Stars: Children should access Times Tables Rockstars at home every day for 10 minutes. Being able to recall times tables is essential to success in Mathematics and underpins many mathematical concepts. Children should know their times tables to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4.
The Multiplication Tables Check: The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools. The purpose of the MTC is to check whether children can recall their times tables fluenty, as this is essential for future success in maths. It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Children will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check and they will then have 6 seconds to answer each question.
The MTC will take place in June 2024.
Children are regularly playing Times Tables Rockstars at school and it is expected that they play at home for 10 minutes per day.
If you have any questions about the MTC, please feel free to contact me.