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Welcome to Reception Class

Class Teacher -  Miss Speller
LSCA- Mrs Humphreys

Do you have to be a superhero to save the world?

This term our concept question is 'Do you have to be a superhero to save the world?' Within this question we will learn about both ficition and non fiction superheroes. We will explore fictional superheroes through the books Superworm and Supertato and learn about the qualities these characters show when they are saving the day. We will then make links to real life superheroes who are in the world around us. We will experience visits from police officers, fire fighters, dentists, nurses and many other people who help us. This will help the children to develop their communication and language skills as they listen carefully to find out how these people help us. The children will then be able to develop their speaking skills as they ask real life superheroes questions so that they can deepen their knowledge about these roles. As individuals, we will also consider if we are superheroes who are helping to save the world. 

How we learn

In the Reception class the children have short adult led maths and phonics sessions. The children then spend time in Adventure time. This is where the children have opportunities to develop their own play and independent exploration within our continuous provision. The adults then scaffold their learning, helping the children to deepen their knowledge and enrich their vocabulary. Through this the children are able to develop the characteristics of effective learning so that they can play and explore, actively learn and create and think critically.


There are seven areas of learning in reception: 

Prime areas: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development

Specific areas:  Literacy,  Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design

Outdoor Learning

 We participate in regular 'Outdoor Learning' sessions. There are numerous benefits of learning outside the classroom for a child’s development, both physically and mentally. Recently we read the story of 'We're going on a bear hunt' and together we went on our own bear hunt through the local woods.  We walked through the long wavy grass, the thick oozy mud and the dark forest. We tracked the paw prints and looked carefully to find out what direction the bear was travelling in.  Upon leaving the woods we also found Bertie Bear, our class bear. Bertie likes to notice all of the children following our school rules and at the end of the week he likes to spend the weekend with our class role model. 

Throughout of outdoor learning sessions, we are have also been busy bird watching, building dens and creating boats and finding out whether they float or sink. We have spent time bug hunting and created detailed water colour pictures of these bugs. The magnifying glasses helped us to see the detail on even the smallest of bugs! Using age appropriate hand drills and hammers, we created Christmas decorations by hammering nails into a small log circle in the shape of a triangle. We then used wool to wrap about around these nails which created a Christmas tree. We enjoyed decorating our class Christmas tree with these decorations and then we took them home to place on our family trees. 


In Autumn Term we went on our first school trip to Colchester Zoo. We learnt all about reindeers during our reindeer experience and we found out that reindeer shed their antlers every year! We helped one of Father Christmas' elves to fix the sleigh and we even had a special visit from Father Christmas himself! At the zoo we got to see lots of animals. We learnt all about where different animals live in the world and the food they like to eat. Did you know that some animals are herbivores, some carnivores and other animals are omnivores? 


We have also been on walks  to our local woods, church and post box where we posted our letters to Father Christmas. 


PE: Wednesdays

Outdoor learning: Every other Friday 

Reading:  Please bring books bags into school to be changed on the day stated in your child's reading journal. 


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