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Welcome to Year 1

Class Teacher: Mrs Cooney
LSCAs: Miss Bowles & Mrs Cant
"Where do we all belong?"

This term our enquiry question is ‘Where do we all Belong’ and our focus subjects are Geography and Design Technology. We take a journey around the world with the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ learning about the continents, Polar Regions, oceans and local geography. In Design Technology, we will explore the properties of materials and design and make mittens for an Arctic expedition. In Science we continue our learning into materials and their properties as well as finding out about animals and ourselves.     

We are storytellers....

In English we use role play, puppets and story maps to immerse ourselves into the stories we share together. This term we take an adventure with The Snail and the Whale enjoying travelling to far away places. 

We are Historians...

In History last term we explored Toys from the past. The children enjoyed bringing in their own or toys belonging to relatives to talk about. We placed these on a time line and compared the differences between the decades. We found out about the 1960s and the influences of TV and historical events that influenced the toys made then. 

We are Mathematicians...

In Maths we have been leanring how to use the vocabulary fewer and greater to compare numbers, add and subtract single digits and name and describe 2D and 3D shapes.  

We love Forest School!

Our forest school sessions are the highlight of our week. We have enjoyed learning all about seasonal changes, identifying native flora and fauna and taking part in cooking over the campfire, 


PE Days are Tuesday and Friday. Full kit needs to be worn into school on both days. Tuesday is outside Ball Skills and Thursday is outside running. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. 

Forest School all-weather clothing to remain in school in a named bag with wellington boots. Forest School is on Friday. On wet days please also send your child into school with a spare set of clothes.  

Training shoes- Please ensure your child has a pair of training shoes in school throughout the week. This is so they are able to partake in our daily activities outside. These trainers can remain in school or if you do not have a spare pair, children can wear their school shoes into school on a P.E day and change. 


Reading Please read with and to your child everyday. Your child has three books to take home. A book to share together and two reading books matched to their phonic knowledge and reading stage. These are issued on a Tuesday and requested back for changing on the following Monday. Please record how your child reads, information in supporting your child to read at home can be found in the 'Reading at Home' booklet.

Spelling & Grammar The children will receive a set of 5 weekly spellings to learn inside their homework folder. Alongside a sentence to 'fix' (using their teachers pens to find and correct the errors). 

Maths- A maths activity and bonus challenge question is included on the weekly homework sheet.  

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