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Welcome to Year One

Class Teachers: Mrs Cooney & Mrs Williams
LSCA: Mrs Fahy
"How does Art connect us to our Natural world?"

This term our enquiry question is "How does Art connect us to our Natural World?" Our focus is Art and Music. The children will learn to look for lines and pattern in natural objects and replicate these using lines in their drawing and artwork. They will create sea scapes, exploring the movement of lines and experimenting with different materials. The children will learn to use a range of lines, diagonal, broken, crosshatch, vertical, thick and thin to create observational drawings of natural objects. The will learn how to make secondary colours from the praimary colours and use this knowledge to paint and print. In music we will be using our voices to sing and perform and learn how to play the xylophone.  

We are Geographers...

We are Designers and Artists...

We are Mathematicians...

We are cooks...

We are performers!

To conclude our performance poetry unit, Year 1 went to watch the magical Christmas performance of The Night Before Christmas. Following the show they got to perform their poem to Father Christmas himself!


We are mathematicians

We are storytellers....

We love Forest School!


PE Days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Full kit needs to be worn into school on both days. Tuesday is outside Ball Skills and Wednesday is indoor Gym. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. 

Forest School all-weather clothing to remain in school in a named bag with wellington boots. Forest School is on Tuesday. On wet days please also send your child into school with a spare set of clothes.  

Training shoes- Please ensure your child has a pair of training shoes in school throughout the week. This is so they are able to partake in our daily activities outside. These trainers can remain in school or if you do not have a spare pair, children can wear their school shoes into school on a P.E day and change. 


Reading Please read with and to your child everyday. Your child has three books to take home. A book to share together and two reading books matched to their phonic knowledge and reading stage. These are issued on a Friday and requested back for changing on the following thursday. Please record how your child reads, information in supporting your child to read at home can be found in the 'Reading at Home' booklet.

Spelling & Grammar The children will receive a set of 5 weekly spellings to learn inside their homework folder. Alongside a sentence to 'fix' (using their teachers pens to find and correct the errors). 

Maths- A maths game or activity will be set on Purple Mash for completion, weekly.  

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