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welcome to year 3

Class Teacher: Mr Taylor-Graham
LSCA: Miss Wright
Summer Term 2024 question: Do the arts affect our well-being and spirituality?

This page will give you an overview of our learning in class each term. As learning takes place, we will update the page with photos and links to share classwork and other activities with you.

This term our enquiry question is 'Do the arts affect our well-being and spirituality?'. Our project focus is music and art.

In music, children will be learning the Toot. They will also be developing their knowledge of keeping the beat and reading music when playing the glockenpsiel. 

In our art project, we will be developing drawing skills by making observational drawings (identifying shapes in objects) and using shading. In the painting unit, Year 3 will be exploring pre-historic art before creating their own art on a cave wall. Finally, in our craft unit, children will be making their own paper to create an Egyptian-inspired scroll.

Art: Drawing

During our first unit of art work, focusing on drawing, we were inspired by the artist Georgia O'Keeffe to create our own abstract flower pictures.

Art: Painting

In our painting unit of work, inspired by the pre-historic paintings in the Chauvet Cave in France, we have painted our own animals onto cave walls (which we made ourselves!). We also used natural paint that we made from mixing spices with flour and water.


We have been learning to play the Toot which is a small instrument like a recorder mixed with a flute!


As part of our work on shapes, we explored how to make 3D solids. The mashmallows and spaghetti helped us to identify how many edges and vertices each 3D solid has!


Year 3 had a great day during Outdoor Learning Day 2024. After a woodland walk with Year 1, the children enjoyed time in the Forest School Area planting sunflower seeds, eating tasty treats from the campfire and den building. 


PE DAYS: Wednesday (Athletics) and Thursday (Tennis).

HOMEWORK:  This will go home each week on a Wednesday and must be returned by the following Monday. Maths and spelling content will focus on work covered during the week in class and should be completed to condolidate learning.


READING BOOKS: Please ensure reading books are in school every day with the orange reading record. This is to check that children are reading at home daily and to ensure end of book quizzes can take place.

SPELLINGS: Weekly spellings - tested on Wednesdays.

MULTIPLICATION FACTS: Children should aim to log-in to Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) 3 times a week to practise multiplication facts.

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