welcome to year 3
This page will give you an overview of our learning in class each term. As learning takes place, we will update the page with photos and links to share classwork and other activities with you.
This term our enquiry question is 'How do we draw strength from a catastrophe?'. Our project focus is geography and DT.
During our geography project we are exploring sustainability and the damage earthquakes can cause. We will be looking firstly at the country of New Zealand and then discussing countries further around the world. We will also be considering how humans can live sustainably in order to benefit the earth.
DT: Textiles
In our DT project, we will be developing our skills in textiles.
We will be using skills to make cushions using both cross-stich and applique.
MATHS: Multiplication and division
This half term we are exploring formal methods of multiplication and division. The children have begun to find links between multiplaction and division facts using arrays.
This half term we will be looking at character descriptions based on the text 'Ice Palace' followed by 'Pugs of the Frozen North'. Children are beginning to develop their understanding of expanded noun phrases and are being introduced to similies. These skills are to aid the writing of rich and detailed character descriptions alongside the use of story mapping.
Project: Geography
How do we draw strength from a disaster?
PE DAYS: Tuesday (Squash) and Thursday (Gymastics).
HOMEWORK: This will go home each week on a Wednesday and must be returned by the following Monday. Maths and spelling content will focus on work covered during the week in class and should be completed to condolidate learning.
READING BOOKS: Please ensure reading books are in school every day with the orange reading record. This is to check that children are reading at home daily and to ensure end of book quizzes can take place.
SPELLINGS: Weekly spellings
MULTIPLICATION FACTS: Children should aim to log-in to Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) 3 times a week to practise multiplication facts.