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In the Autumn term we will be exploring the question: "How can we tell truth from tale?". Being historians we will investigate and interpret the past; build an overview of world history, understand chronology and communicate historically through our study of the Ancient Greeks..

Have a look at some of our learning...

In English we are learnng all about myths.  To understand what an effective myth looks like, we have learnt the story of Pandora's Box!



Other Learning:


PE: Tuesday and Thursday (please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days)

Homework: Homework is sent out weekly on Wednesday and comprises of Spellings, Grammar, Maths, TTRS practice, reading and an optional challenge. The homework is due back in the following Monday

Reading: It is expected that pupils will read regularly throughout the week at home, and complete a quiz on their book in school when they have completed it.

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