Class Teacher: Miss Turner
Class LSCA: Mr Dulieu
How do our decisions affect the environment and how does it affect us?
During our geography project in the spring term, we will be learning about how the decisions we make affect the environment and how this affects us. We will be geographers by exploring environmental changes across the world and the causes and affects of these.

What if your only chance of survival was a pig's heart?
That's the question Cam and his family must face in our guided reading book this term, 'Pig Heart Boy' by Malorie Blackman.
We are currently learning a non-chronological report text map about the British Isles.
Check back soon to hear us imitating our text map.
During our autumn term Outdoor Learning Day, we had to work together in teams and use our problem solving skills to get from one side of the field to the other using loose parts play equipment.
We created Light Wheels when learning about light in Science.
PE: Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outside). Children should come to school wearing their PE kit: Layer blue PE top, dark blue shorts/jogging bottoms, blue hoody/Layer fleece and trainers and be appropriately dressed for the weather.
Homework: Homework is sent out weekly on Wednesday and comprises of Spellings, Grammar, Maths, TTRS practice, reading and a challenge. The homework is due back in the following Monday
Reading: It is expected that pupils will read regularly throughout the week at home and complete a quiz on their book in school once completed.
Friday 31st January: Celebration Assembly 2:45pm
Monday 3rd February: Children's Mental Health Week begins
Tuesday 11th February: Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 26th February: Parent Partnership 9:05am
Thursday 6th March: World Book Day